Samstag, 20. Oktober 2018

WIP Fear the walking dead

Scenery parts for another vignette ...

3 Kommentare:

  1. Thank you, Phil! It will have an oldhammer vibe to it...

  2. I also commented on the your Figone Cyclops post. Please excuse the spam
    Could you shed some more information on your troll scheme? This particular shade of green seems to pop up on several of your figures (wizard furniture, heroquest orc, nurgle warriors etc.) and I´m curious what shade of green you are using and if it´s just white or turquoise added to the highlights? The purple-red filters give it some nice depth. Thanks

    1. Hi, i dont recall exactly but i think its was a mix of Vallejo Gunship Green and Andrea Field Grey as base colour, highlight a mix of Vallejo Gunship Green and Vallejo Green Sky and gradually mixed in a bit of Vallejo Park Green - hope that helps!
